Administrative Law
CTSC lawyers have a long history of representing clients in administrative proceedings, including matters before the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the Medical Board of California, the Board of Behavioral Sciences and the Board of Psychology. CTSC partner O. Brandt Caudill has represented mental health professionals in licensing board actions for over 30 years, including before the Board of Behavioral Sciences, the Medical Board of California and the Board of Psychology. CTSC partner Christopher Zopatti has defended licensing board actions before the Board of Behavioral Sciences, Board of Psychology, Dental Board, Medical Board and Department of Industrial Relations (with regard to QME status). CTSC partner Kate Hartman has represented numerous employers before Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Finally, CTSC partner Sheldon Cohen has represented licensees before the Motor Vehicle Board and Department of Motor Vehicles.
Licensing board matters are subject to the Administrative Procedures Act and are heard by Administrative Law Judges from the Office of Administrative Hearings. CTSC has litigated numerous administrative hearings in San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Orange County, Oakland, Monterey County and elsewhere. Because discovery rights are far more limited than in civil litigation, CTSC lawyers generate as much discovery and impeachment as possible through other means. In an area where many civil attorneys are overly dependent on depositions and interrogatories, attorneys defending licensing board actions have only minimal discovery obtained from the Board. CTSC’s view is that the trial skills learned in defending matters that have less discovery strengthen both a lawyer’s civil and administrative trial skills. While due process in Administrative cases is not as strong as in civil cases, CTSC lawyers fight to get administrative justice for our clients.
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